Sunday, December 29, 2019

Lungs of the Earth are Being Destroyed

Lungs of the Earth are Being Destroyed No matter where you live, in a city or a village, the destruction of forests will affect your life in a great manner. Minerals, energy and lumber were the main recourses of a great value that rainforests have been providing the humankind with. If the process of destroying rainforests won’t stop in the nearest future, it may lead to destroying of these valuable materials, which are extremely necessary for people. Rainforests are also a huge source of rubber, nuts and oil. It is well-known that one of the most important export products for Brazil are nuts and for the South Americans coffee has become one of the main financial sources. When people learned how to use rubber for their own benefits, there appeared a huge demand for it and the Amazon became one of the biggest rubber providers in the whole world. Even nowadays the Amazon is still the biggest provider of rubber. The problem is that forest destroying decreases greatly the rubber amount supplied by South America. Besides, it is important to mention that the plants found is the rain forests can be of a great value for many people in the world. For example, the Kayapo (people who live in the Amazon) have huge dependence upon the Amazon plants. A team of scientists decided to make a research on the area where Kayapo people live and they have found 1200 plants there, 98% of which the Kayapo people use in their everyday life. There’s also a great number of plant species that scientist haven’t researched yet. But it is already well-known that a huge number of these species could become real helpers in AIDS and cancer treatment. A great number of plants have been already used in medical area. If the forests are destructed, it will be impossible to give any predictions concerning what would happen then, especially what climate effect we will face, as it is well-known that rainforests provide us with fresh air. The majority of trees in the rainforests remove carbon dioxide of large amount from the air we breathe in. They store it in their leaves and roots. Although it is impossible to predict what is going to happen when all rainforests are gone, now it is possible to say that nothing good will ever happen in this case.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Origin Development of Sociology as a Separate Science

Origin Development of Sociology as a Separate Science Sociology is one of the oldest of the sciences. Since the dawn of civilization, society has been as a subject for speculation and inquiry along with other phenomena which have agitated the restless and inquisitive mind of man. Even centuries ago men were thinking about society and it should be organized and held views on man and his destiny, the rise and fall of the peoples and civilizations. Though they were thinking in sociological terms they were called philosophers, historians, thinkers, law-givers or seers. Though sociology came to be established as a separate discipline in the 19th –century due to the efforts of the French Philosopher Auguste Comte. It is wrong to suppose that†¦show more content†¦He maintained that the parts of society are not arranged unsystematically. Herbert Spencer’s another contribution is his famous â€Å"Organic Analogy† in which society is compared with the human organism. Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) Prof. Durkheim, the French thinker, like Spencer, considered societies as such to be important units of sociological analysis. He stressed the importance of studying different types of society comparatively. â€Å"Comparative sociology is not a particular branch of sociology, it is sociology itself† he maintained. In Durkheim’s theory ultimate social reality is the group, not the individual social life has to be analyzed in terms of social facts. According to him, social facts are nothing but collective ways of thinking, feeling and acting which though coming from the individual â€Å"constraint† or pressure on him. His major works are- the division of labor in society, the rules of sociological method, Suicide, The elementary forms of the republic life and so on. Max Weber (1864-1920) Max Weber’s approach is almost contrary to that of Durkheim. For Weber, the individual is a unit of society. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Role of Men and Women Free Essays

The role of men and women There’s a big difference about the role of men and women between nowadays, in the past and in the future. It depends on a lot of cultural, continental, rich and poor, technology, development of science, health service, education †¦ There are out of aspects to explain deeply this problem. It will be easier if we look at around things. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Men and Women or any similar topic only for you Order Now Clearly The role of men and women‘s a big social’s problem and the family is the social factor so let have look at family. In the past manual labour‘s the main. We have to admit that men they have superior health than women so they was easy to get a high situation in family because they are main income, women spend all their life just stay at home to born children and look after them, do housework,†¦. They didn’t have any opportunity to study, contribute to society and require their interest†¦ but nowadays everything changed. The science reached new success. Family planning’s popular and It’ too easy about having more child or not. Technology developed, house work doesn’t take too much time. The education developed there are a lot of good school to take children, parent receive support from government to educate their kids so Women have great opportunity to go out for working and they spend more time for academic, they can contribute for society, they have more time to relax, enjoy their life, position of women in society has been confirmed. They can join to political and a lot of field which previously only men to participate. All the people in the world are born equal, enjoy the right to happiness and freedom. The human are building a new society, developed society, equal society where men and women both of them can contribute to making life more beautiful. How to cite Role of Men and Women, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Question: Write an essay on Pharmacology? Answer: Albuterol brings relief to the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) condition of the patient. Furosemide works for fluid retention. Glipizide takes care of Diabetes in the patient. Indomethacin is used for treating tenderness, stiffness and swelling due to chronic gout arthritis. Ipratropium is used to relief bronchial spasms as the patient has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD). Prazosin treats hypertension. Theo-dur is also used for pulmonary problems. Triamcinolone takes care of arthritis that the patient has (Brenner and Stevens, 2013). Together, all the drugs have to be used for treating the patient due to the different aliments that she has.Other antidiabetic drugs that can be used are Metformin and Sitagliptin given together. There are, in particular, three contraindications of Metformin usage. They are renal impairment and high serum creatinine levels that is more than 124 mmol/l in women, congestive heart failure and old age that is more than 80 years. Contraindications for Sitagliptin include impaired kidney (Howland et al., 2006). The creatinine level is more or less normal for the patient. She is not more than 80 years and does not have congestive heart failure. It may be said that usage of Metformin and Sitagliptin are not contraindicated for the patient. Patient variables are important while assessing drug therapies of patients. The patient variables that are important for assessing the drug intervention for her are age, weight, height, gender. The aspects of core drug knowledge that are need consideration as they may interfere with the patient variables are side effects of drugs and contraindications of drugs. The first finding from the nursing assessment that demonstrates drug therapys effectiveness is blood pressure at 112/72. The reference range for normal blood pressure is 120/80-140/90. The patient had been suffering from hypertension and the drug took care of it. The reference range of electrolytes sodium, potassium and chloride are 135-145 mEq/L, 3.5-5.0 mEq/L and 95-105 mEq/L respectively (, 2015). In the patient they were found to be 137 mEq/L, 3.8 mEq/L and 95 mEq/L respectively. It confers that fluid retention is been carried out an effect of the drug. The findings from the nursing assessment that demonstrate adverse effect from drug therapy are high cholesterol level at 315 mg/dL and borderline high triglyceride at 218 mg/dL. The reference ranges of these are 90 mg/dL and 150mg/dL respectively. Several measures need to be taken for maximising the therapeutic therapy. The patient must reduce her weight and start doing physical exercise in order to treat Diabetes along with the medication. She must also quit smoking for taking care of pulmonary diseases. Adverse effects of can be minimised by following proper guidelines for contraindications. Teaching is very much required for the patient about her drug therapy. This is because the teaching will make her knowledgeable about the drugs she is taking. Educating her will reduce the chances of her readmission. The severity of the allied complications of drug intake can be lessened if the patient has prior knowledge of the contraindications and adverse effects of drug therapy. The patients background information is needed for determining appropriate teaching (Stenfors-Hayes et al., 2015). References: Brenner, G. and Stevens, C. (2013).Pharmacology. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Saunders. Howland, R., Mycek, M., Harvey, R., Champe, P. and Mycek, M. (2006).Pharmacology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins., (2015).Normal Lab Values. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Aug. 2015]. Stenfors-Hayes, T., Berg, M., Scott, I. and Bates, J. (2015). Common concepts in separate domains? Family physicians ways of understanding teaching patients and trainees, a qualitative study.BMC Medical Education, 15(1).