Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Is Project Management - 2916 Words

1.0 What is Project Management? Project irrespective of their size or complexity have 5 basic process groups that adhere to the PMBOK and the 10 knowledge areas. They are initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing. These which allude to the use of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project practices to gratify project requirements, is what is project management. (PMBOK) The project manager is responsible for consummating and integrating the project management process in to a project. Projects are executed with the premise of achieving Organisational objectives that cannot be addressed within an organisations generic contours. The 9 knowledge areas from the PMBOK that facilitate these Organisational†¦show more content†¦(Matta Ashkenas, R.N. 2003) This can dither with many factors that can span from a complicated project scope to a, oscillating costing, communication faults, insufficient funds and unrealistic time lines. To exemplify it, the super conducting super collider (SSC) (Anbari FT) project imitated by the (DOE) as a multibillion dollar initiative is posited to be a high energy subatomic particle accelerator, also to be a most powerful in the world. The potential yield of the product was meant to be used for research and development itself with the project potentially inferred to be the world largest scientific apparatus. (Willard 1998) The SSC was later terminated by the US congress in 1993 due to its failure to perform. 2.0 SSC project evaluation Mega projects all over the world are complex with the project charters, scopes, project communications and integration management, not to mention the time and cost management. With the SSC being a huge toll of an undertaking with it amounting to the magnitude of the project, it was complex with its scientific, logistical and

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